Welcome to the Document Management page! Here, you'll learn how to add, update, and annotate documents, as well as enable watermarking and manage document types. Let's get started!

Improve document managment (2).mp4

πŸ“ Add Document in Repository

To add a document to the repository:

  1. Go to the "Repository" tab.
  2. Select "Add Document" or a similar button.
  3. Choose a category for the document.
  4. Select a date for the document. For documents linked to an event, the event’s time will be set as its default.
  5. Upload the document file πŸ“€.
  6. All members will be able to view the document in the repository πŸ‘₯.

πŸ“… Document Date Flexibility

To adjust the date of a document:

  1. Access the required document in the repository.
  2. Click on edit and select the date option.
  3. Choose your desired date. Remember, for documents linked to an event, the event’s time is the default.

πŸ—‚ Yearly Document Filters

To filter documents by year:

  1. Navigate to the "Repository" tab.
  2. Locate the "Filter by Year" option.